Self help options

Understanding why I use

Why you use drugs and/or alcohol is important. Understanding the reasons that contribute to your decision to use drugs can help when you want to make changes or just so you can keep an eye on your drug use and general wellbeing.

Like anybody, you probably use drugs for a reason. Reasons for using are usually valid and understandable ones, even if your use is causing you some harm or creating problems to yourself of those around you. Everybody has different reasons for using.

Reasons for using is also known as function of use

Some common reasons young people say they use drugs or alcohol are:

  • To help unwind and relax
  • To help sleep
  • To get motivated
  • To help with painful feelings like grief, anxiety, anger
  • To slow down racing thoughts
  • To fit in
  • To escape or cope with difficult things going on
  • To just feel good
  • To stop being bored
  • To feel comfortable in social situations
  • To have interesting ideas and be creative
  • To relieve pain
  • So problems aren’t as much of a bother
  • To help with side effects from medication

There might be many reasons why someone uses drugs and alcohol

It might not always be obvious and you may not have given it much thought but it can be really helpful to understand a bit about why you use particular drugs. Understanding more about your drug use can help you make informed decisions about how much and when you decide to use, particularly when things get hard. It is also important if you want to make changes to your drug use such as or reducing or stopping use.

Support services can help you to explore the reasons why you use. Youth drug and alcohol workers might ask you questions which can help to look for any patterns in your use such as

  • Are you always with the same people when you use?
  • Are you always feeling sad before you use and happy after?
  • Are you using more when you feel stressed or anxious?

This helps you start to understand some of the reasons you use. Sometimes youth workers might suggest keeping a diary like this one to get a more accurate picture about how you are using. If you are thinking about the reasons why you use and want some extra help in exploring these questions, you can contact the YoDAA team who are more than happy to speak with you.

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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