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Slip-ups and using again

Drug and alcohol workers will tell you just how common slips-ups and using again are when trying to make changes.

Making changes to your drug or alcohol use is a very personal experience. What works for one person may not work for another. Some people make changes easily, for others it takes a bit of time.

Even if you manage to reduce your use for some time the problems and reasons that got you into using in the first place may still be around.

It’s super important that if you haven’t used for a while, you don’t get too down on yourself if you have a slip-up and score or use. Don’t feel guilty or blame yourself. Drug and alcohol workers will tell you just how common this is. In fact it can be a positive experience if it helps you:

  • Learn more about triggers and risky situations
  • Confirm what your overall drug use goals are

It is also important to remember that slip-ups don’t have to lead to a return to the pattern of use you had before. They can remain just that, slip-ups. Even eventually returning to old patterns of use is quite common. You may feel disheartened if this happens but it doesn’t mean you have done something wrong, It can take a few goes.

The most important thing to remember about slip-ups and using again is how to stay safe after a break from using. 

It takes courage to change. Remember you are not alone & other young people have been in your shoes.

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YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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