Self help options

Tips for managing withdrawal yourself

Not everyone needs to go to detox. Lots of young people manage to detox or have a break from using by themselves or with support in the community.

Whether or not you will experience withdrawal symptoms is largely to do with whether you are dependent on a drug.

If you plan (or even find yourself) going without drugs or alcohol here are some tips for managing withdrawal symptoms.

  • Learn how to deal with cravings
  • Have baths, showers, and use heat packs to relieve tension and to feel relaxed
  • Use meditation (Smiling Mind is an easy way to start)
  • Book in for a massage
  • Eat and drink, it might be hard at first, but little sips and bites of food are important.
  • Prepare activities to keep you occupied. Plan visits to supportive friends, family. Go to the movies, get out of the house but be careful of risky times or situations
  • Ask for help from family and friends if possible-supportive care is so important!
  • Get professional help or advice if you need it. You don’t have to do it alone.  You also don’t have to feel too physically uncomfortable. Although we don’t recommend specific medication or remedies without personal assessment, most physical withdrawal can be helped with medication and other remedies if required.

These are general tips. You can always seek personal advice if you are planning to stop your use. You should also get medical advice if you are planning to stop or significantly reduce your use of benzos, GHB or alcohol. Stopping using these can sometimes lead to potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms. 

It takes courage to change. Remember you are not alone & other young people have been in your shoes.

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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