Self help options

Problem solving

Learning ways to tackle and address problems can make managing your life and your use of drugs or alcohol a lot easier.

Everyone faces problems. Some big, some small. It’s possible and even likely that some of the problems you face aren’t your fault or are out of your control. But it’s also likely that there are problems you CAN do something about.

Sometimes problems can seem overwhelming, especially when you experience a few at one time. How you go about solving a problem is just a skill that can be learnt. Breaking down problems into manageable chunks and trying to solve them step by step can be really helpful. 

Check out our problem solving steps sheet. These are the steps a youth worker would encourage a young person to work through.  See if it helps you.

Remember if you need more support with this or anything else, talk to YoDAA.

Sometimes problems can seem overwhelming, especially when you experience a few at one time.

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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