Drug facts & info


Inhalants are things like volatile substance, aerosols, gases and nitrates. So really, inhalants aren’t one type of chemical but many. Inhalants get their name because you breathe them in through the mouth and nose (inhale).


Chroming or spraying, nangs or nitrous and poppers.

Using inhalants is most commonly known as chroming.


  • Using inhalants can make you feel more confident, can make you feel excited and happy.
  • They can also cause mild hallucinations, dizziness, mood swings, paranoia and blackouts.
  • Regular users can develop a tolerance to inhalants and when stopping suddenly, they can experience withdrawal symptoms.


  • The effects of inhalant use can be felt straight away
  • The effects can last up to 45 minutes


  • Know which inhalants are more harmful than others
  • Do not spray directly into the throat (this can lead to suffocation)
  • Avoid sniffing indoors and enclosed places, open the window or go outside
  • Don’t use alone, use in a safe place with others around that you trust
  • Try to avoid using a plastic bag and use a paper bag instead or even a sock
  • If you have to use a plastic bag put some holes in it to reduce suffocation risk
  • Do not attempt physical exertion or driving a vehicle after using
  • Inhalants are highly flammable. Avoid smoking and using lighters around inhalants or directly after use. Bonfires and BBQ’s are also places to avoid when using.
  • Avoid mixing with alcohol or other drugs
  • Overdose can occur. If a person experiences blurred vision, disorientation, seizures, “blacked out” or you think overdose has occurred, seek medical attention.

This is only a little bit of information check out ADF’s fact sheet for heaps more info.

We also recommend you have a look at this video from Tune in Not out for another take on chroming.

This article from Central Australian Youth Link-Up Service (CAYLUS) talks about harm reduction strategies.

Want to know more or worried about your use?

Give YoDAA a call.

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YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.


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