Agencies use varying screening and assessment processes. Despite this there are some key non-negotiable practices that will ensure screening and assessment is consistent with the characteristics of effective Youth AOD work.
Screening and assessment are hugely important aspects of youth AOD work. It’s hard to know how best to support a young person if you don’t know much about them. However, trying to find out everything could take too long and often support is needed urgently.
Screening and assessment should complement or strengthen engagement and enable the development of a therapeutic relationship. To do this, screening and assessment procedures should ensure that:
Neither too much nor too little information is collected Only relevant information is collected to inform case formulation and care planning.
The distinction between screening and assessment can sometimes be difficult to articulate, especially in settings and with young people where a responsive or opportunistic approach is required. Nonetheless, screening and assessment do have different purposes.
Screening’s purpose is to collect information that quickly determines:
If there are issues that need addressing or further assessment
The urgency and prioritisation of issues.
Assessment’s purpose is to collect information that:
Determines the nature and extent of issues and can assist in choosing and designing interventions that will be most helpful to the young person.
Screening and assessment, as well as case formulation and interventions, should be intertwined so that each process informs and influences the other.
YoDAA offers a unique consultation service for workers supporting young people with AOD-related issues.
About Consultations
YoDAA’s consultation service offers AOD intervention advice, secondary consultation for care planning, case review and service navigation. Leading youth AOD practitioners provide consultations when a more in-depth discussion is required to assess a young person’s needs. Consultation can be arranged for individuals or teams by phone, email or video-link if applicable.
Chat to your supervisor before consulting with YoDAA, as consultation should complement supervision.
Fill in the form so we can assess how best to help. We will get back to you to arrange a suitable consultation time.
Screening and assessment should complement or strengthen engagement and enable the development of a therapeutic relationship.
Request a Consultation by contact YoDAA on
Get help now
YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
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Post excerpt: ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum…
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