In comparison to other drugs, Ketamine is not widely used by young people seeking support. A basic understanding of Ketamine is still important when supporting young people especially because of the dangers of using it with other drugs.
Ketamine is a depressant and a hallucinogen. It is often used as a medical anaesthetic and is only legal in this function.
Special K, K, ket, kitkat, super K, wobble.
In 2013, 0.3 per cent of Australians aged over 14 years had used ketamine (National Drug Strategy Household Survey, 2013).
White crystalline powder, tablet, pill or liquid.
Snorted, injested or injected.
‘Floaty’ and detached feelings, physical inability to move, and hallucinations leading to good or bad trips. Large doses exacerbate mental health problems. High is felt within 30 seconds when injected or after five to 20 minutes if snorted or swallowed, and can last an hour or more.
Difficulty breathing, seizures or inability to be roused or woken.
An ambulance should be called if any of these symptoms occur.
Alcohol, Ice and GHB increasing effects and likelihood of overdose’s fact sheet or these videos about staying safe.
Needing more guidance or a secondary consult? Reach out to the YoDAA team for some more nuanced advice.
Get help now
YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
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