Where are things at with Naloxone distribution and training in Victoria?

More and more evidence from around the world is suggesting distributing Naloxone  and training people to use it is hugely successful in reducing opiate overdoses. Here is one example report.

So whats happening in Victoria? On August 31st 2013 (International Overdose Awareness Day) the Department of Health announced an initiative to get naloxone into the hands of those who need it.   Anex were funded $200k to be spent over 2years improving access and knowledge of Naloxone.

Anex have set up a Naloxone provision reference group of relevant agencies and groups whose aim is to increase knowledge of naloxone amongst GPs and also provide training and resources for a variety of relevant audiences. Although not funded  specifically, Harm Reduction Victoria (HRV) have and do provide Naloxone training for people who use drugs. To date, they have trained just over 100 users and they are aware of at least 11 successful reversals.

Unbenownst to many people, In Victoria, any GP can write a script of naloxone but GPs often use discretion and decide not to and a lot of work needs to be done to make this a more common occurrence.

For more info check out HRV or Anex’s websites.