Screening + Assessment

Assessing need is fundamental to Youth AOD work. Here is the essential information any youth worker needs to do it well.

Screening and Assessment

Victorian Youth AOD services will soon share common screening and assessment tools. These tools are currently being developed by Turning Point in consultation with the sector. YoDAA will include them here as soon as they’re available.

Screening and assessment are hugely important aspects of youth AOD work.  Regardless of specific tools or the particular sector you’re from, these articles provide useful information and advice about screening and assessment. 

Consult with YoDAA for advice on the use of various youth screening and assessment tools as well as tips and suggestions to tailor your organisations AOD screening and assessment processes to the needs of young people.


Screening and Assessment overview

Developmentally appropriate screening and assessment

Strength-Based screening and assessment

Client-centred screening and assessment



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