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Help a young person cope with cravings at home

No matter how committed a young person is to reducing substance use, cravings are a normal part of the change process. Here’s a practical activity youth AOD workers use to help young people deal with cravings that anyone can do. 

Anyone who has ever tried cleaning out a bookshelf and ended up spending an hour reading knows the power of distraction. For a young person who wants to reduce their substance use but experiences intrusive thoughts and cravings, distraction can help them cope in the moment and delay making a decision to use. 

Making a distraction box is a fun and simple way that youth AOD workers help a young person accept that cravings will happen, identify their own coping strategies and plan ahead.  As the name suggests, these boxes are filled with things that will divert and engage a young person when the cravings hit. Good distraction boxes are inviting, inspiring, individualised and updated regularly. Better still, anyone can make one. 

You can fill a distraction box with anything that a young person thinks will help divert their attention. Here are some ideas to get you going.  

  • Art supplies 
  • Stress balls 
  • Nail polish and manicure set 
  • A musical instrument 
  • A favourite DVD, CD or game 
  • Sporting equipment 
  • Bead making kit 
  • Gym gear 
  • Aromatherapy oils & meditation CD 
  • Mandala Sheets and pencils 
  • Pen and paper for creative writing 
  • Mind teaser puzzles 
  • A favourite magazine 
  • A pedometer 
  • A skipping rope 
  • Photo albums 
  • A book or magazines to read  
  • Movie/coffee voucher 
  • Dog lead or cat treats 
  • Fishing gear 

The list goes on….. 

Making a distraction box together can be a positive and empowering experience. Distraction boxes are best suited to young people who have a supportive environment around them with their basic needs met and are already motivated to reduce their substance use.  

“Our use doesn’t define who we are”

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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