Drug facts & info

Centre based Counselling and support

Centre-based counselling offers support in a comfortable place away from your usual environment


Centre-based counselling and support is when you go to a particular youth centre, program or a clinic for a set appointment. Usually you make your own way there (with help from family and friends if necessary).


Not every program that offers counselling offers all of the following options but overall there are heaps of ways you can get help and support through counselling in a program.

You can talk to someone and get support for:

  • Emotional and mental health
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Family support
  • Medical care
  • Pharmacotherapy


Most of the time you need to make an appointment to see someone for counselling. When you first make contact you may be asked some questions about different issues so that the service knows how they can best help you.

You’ll usually spend about an hour with a counsellor or worker and see them once a week but programs do vary.


Centre-based counselling is great when you want help with a particular issue and you think you are in a position to get yourself to appointments on time.

Centre-based counselling offers support in a comfortable place away from your usual environment

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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