Not sure what to do about your drug use? That’s pretty normal. Like any one who uses drugs, there are probably some things you like about using and no doubt some things that aren’t so good.
Deciding what to do about your use can be tricky especially if you have other people with opinions about what you should do! If you are at a point where you are thinking of making changes but you are not sure, actually sorting  through the things you like and things you don’t like about your use can help you get clear in your own mind.

This worksheet is an example of something a youth worker may do with you to help you get it all down in front of you. See if it is helpful for you. Making a list like this is not about comparing the number of things you like with the number you are sick of. Some things you list will be more important to you than others and that’s why you can score them accordingly. Using this worksheet won’t make a decision for you but it can be a useful exercise to do from time to time.

no decision is more “right” than another and there are always things you can do be as safe as you can

Most importantly though no matter what you do –continue to use, use more, use less, try to quit, etc, no decision is more “right” than another and there are always things you can do be as safe as you can.

If you are thinking about making some changes, check out our info about making a decision to change.