Drug facts & info


Methadone is a man-made drug rather than coming from an opium poppy. Methadone is an pharmacotherapy opioid, which is usually prescribed to help people reduce withdrawal symptoms and the harms associated with heroin use.


Done or The Done.


  • Like heroin, methadone is a depressant which means it slows down your heart and breathing rate.
  • The higher the dose the greater the effect will be.
  • The effects experienced are reduced physical and psychological pain, feelings of warmth, relaxation and detachment.
  • It can cause sweating and digestive issues.
  • If you use too much methadone you might have shallow breathing, bluish lips, or an inability to be roused or woken. An ambulance should be called if anything like this happens to you or someone else.
  • Methadone is available with a prescription but is sometimes ‘diverted’ and used in a non-prescribed way.
  • It comes as coloured liquid or a tablet, and is generally dosMed by a chemist with cordial or fruit juice. Sometimes people might inject it.


  • Usually effects are felt 30 minutes after taking a dose
  • Peak effects are felt approximately 3 hours after you’ve taken a dose
  • The effects usually last around 24 hours


  • Try to stick to the prescribed program and talk to your doctor
  • Drink water
  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly
  • Avoid mixing with other drugs, especially depressants like alcohol or benzos which will increase the risk of overdose.
  • Call an ambulance if an overdose is suspected

This is only a little bit of information check out Harm Reduction Victoria’s fact sheet which has more information about the symptoms of an overdose and how to use Naloxone.

NB: Naloxone is available from these pharmacies free of charge: Take home naloxone program

Want to know more or worried about your use?

Give YoDAA a call.

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YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

Further Reading

Safe Injecting
Safe injection is aimed on encouraging the one-time use of needles and syringes and limiting the sharing of medication vials.

Naloxone is drug that is used to reverse the effects of opioids such as heroin, morphine, methadone, fentanyl and oxycontin.

Naloxone take home list
An range of organisations can supply free naloxone to young people, their families, carers and supporters.

HRV fact sheet
Information sheet from Harm Reduction Victoria.

ADF Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander info
Culturally sensitive recommendations for safe use by the Australian Drug Foundations.

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