Self help options

It shouldn’t just be you that changes!

Preparing things around you in your environment can go a long way to helping you make changes.

Controlling, reducing or stopping your drug or alcohol use is not as simple as “how strong you are” or “how much do you want it” (Remember this if you are giving yourself a hard time).
Sometimes it’s all the stuff that goes on around you that can have a big impact on how easy or hard it is to change.

You can’t change everything around you but here are some examples of things you can try:

  • Get rid of the things that most remind you of using. Bongs, partying photos, empty bottles of booze
  • Tell people (that will be supportive) about your plans. Tell them how they can help you. Family and friends and can be really important.
  • Think about your phone – who do you want calls from, who do you want to avoid for a while (dealers etc).
  • Can you change the scene for a bit, stay with a relative where you know it’s harder to use?

It takes courage to change. Remember you are not alone & other young people have been in your shoes.

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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