Free Webinars about everything cannabis, bought to you by NCPIC (National Cannabis Prevention and Information Center).

Webinars (web based seminars) are a great way to keep your practice current and network with other workers without leaving home!

Click the links below for more information on dates of individual webinars and to register.

Cannabis and Driving: Evidence and Intervention - of special intrest to all youth AOD workers, this webinar explores the impact cannabis use has on driving.

Cannabis and Tobacco - A webinar exploring the practice of mulling up tobacco with cannabis and the implications for Youth AOD work.

Cannabis Potency: An overview and first results of analysis of NSW cannabis cautioning seizures - there is concern that contemporary cannabis contains less of the anti psychotic agent CBD, resulting in more mental health symptoms amongst young people who use. This webinar is an oppertunity to learn more.

Cannabis Interventions: counselling to emerging pharmacotherapies - this webinar will cover interventions for traditional cannabis users as well as young people using new forms of synthetic cannabis.

Cannabis and cognitive function  A must for Youth AOD workers. This presentation will outline the long term effects of cannabis on the brain.