Ecstasy, or methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), is a stimulant drug. It’s often used at dance parties. Ecstasy comes as tablets or pills in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours. Pills are often imprinted with logos. It can also come as powder or even liquid.
Ecstasy, E, XTC, eccy, the love drug, pills, googs, Molly, biccies.
Ecstasy is usually swallowed but is sometimes crushed and snorted.
Using ecstasy can increase energy, happiness and alertness, provide temporary feelings of love and affection and sometimes anxiety and paranoia. DURATION
The high is usually felt within 30 minutes and can last between three and six hours.
Encourage a young person to: –
Take a small dose to start – ecstasy often contains other drugs in addition to MDMA, such as PMA or ketamine (often there is no MDMA at all!)
Have ‘safe’ people to call in case of feelings of paranoia or panic
If you use too much ecstasy, you can have seizures, cramps, experience dizziness or vomit.
An ambulance should be called if any of these symptoms occur.
Call an ambulance if an overdose is suspected
This is only a little bit of information check out Harm Reduction Victoria’s fact sheet or video onstaying safe .
Needing more guidance or a secondary consult? Reach out to the YoDAA team for some more nuanced advice.
Get help now
YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
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