
Drug + Alcohol Info

The must know information for workers supporting young people with AOD support needs.

Support Options for Young People

Finding a good GP for a young person

Often when you’re looking for help for a young person a GP can be the first place to go. Finding a good GP however is a lot easier said than done. It can be difficult for young people to establish a relationship with someone they’ve just me...

Support Options for Young People

Home Based Withdrawal

Home Based Withdrawal (HBD) or ‘outpatient withdrawal’ is a good option for a young person who wants to reduce or cease their substance use but may not need the structure of an intensive residential stay. ...

Support Options for Young People

Self-directed help

Not everyone needs an intensive support approach or a worker by their side. Some young people with existing skills and resources can meet their own goals once given the right information and tools....

Support Options for Young People

Long-term residential support/ Rehabilitation

Rehab and supported drug-free housing have long been traditional AOD services. How do these support types operate in a youth context and who is best suited for this type of support?...

Support Options for Young People

Short-term residential support

"Detox" is what many people associate with AOD support options. Youth withdrawal units were always designed to not only provide withdrawal support but a whole lot more. ...

Support Options for Young People

Peer support

Not all support options are about getting professional help. Support and understanding from others who have a lived experience of AOD issues can be helpful for some young people...

Support Options for Young People

Outreach support

Outreach is an often used term in AOD and other health sectors. Rather than a specific program, Outreach is a way of delivering interventions to young people with particular characteristics. ...

Support Options for Young People


Young people are increasingly using technology to engage with each other and the world. It makes sense then that they would use technology to seek help and support. What can be offered and who is this best for?...

Support Options for Young People

Day Programs

Day programs can play a hugely important role in the care and support of young people who are struggling with drug or alcohol use. This article explains the type of supports offered through day programs....

Support Options for Young People

Centre-based support and counselling

Counselling is a term that most workers are familiar with but counselling can occur on the phone, online or on the run! This article explains what is offered to young people in more traditional appointment based counselling in a centre....


What is the worst drug?

We try to stay away from grading drugs. The worst drug is the drug that ...

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is a digital tool designed to help young people (and their supporters) consider where they are at in relation to their drug and alcohol related needs. It encourages help seeking where necessary and offers next steps for help and support.

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