Have a read of these basic tips to provide great support to a mate you're worried about
It’s upsetting to see someone you care about suffer. You can often feel frustrated and helpless, like there’s no way of getting through to them. But right now is the time your support is as vital as ever, even if it doesn’t seem to matter to the person you care about. 


Here are some ways to offer support to someone who is struggling:


Listening can be a powerful support tool. Try to listen openly, without judgment. You may not have the answers, but it can often provide support to someone just to feel like they’re being heard. Let the person know you’re always there if they need to talk and that they are not alone.



Find out as much as you can on the topic to help you better understand what they’re dealing with. 



A trusted GP a specialist support service or an online service. There are many support options. Make sure you’re both calm before making the suggestion, not during a fight or when emotions are high. Maybe you could even offer to go along to their first appointment. It can make the experience feel less overwhelming for them.



Taking a step back can also really important. If the person doesn’t want to see a counsellor, don’t push it, because it may put them off seeking help altogether. Try to remain patient and offer a consistent level of support when needed.

This video put together by Tune in not out also has some useful tips.


If you think the person you’re worried about is at immediate risk of harming themselves call 000 for assistance.