
Self-help Options

Different support options suit different people. Not everyone needs a service or counsellor when they are worried about their drug or alcohol use. If you think self-directed help is for you, these articles, tips and tools may help.

I want to cut down or stop

Getting Ready for Resi!

The ultimate guide for young people preparing for a residential withdrawal (detox)...

I want to keep using

Nutrition and you….making ‘You’ the priority

Eating healthily is often not top on your list of priorities, especially when you are also using alcohol or other drugs. Get the low down on staying healthy while you're using....

I want to cut down or stop

Preparing to cut down or stop

If you’ve decided that your goal is to make changes, it can be useful to make a plan to go about this. ...

I want to cut down or stop

Tips for saying no to friends

It’s likely you’ll still be offered drugs or alcohol when you try to make a change and saying no can be one of the hardest things to do. But there are things you can do to make it easier....

Not sure what I want to do

Staying as safe as you can

Regardless of what you use, you can always try to be as safe as possible...

I want to cut down or stop

Will I have withdrawals if I reduce or don’t use?

The fear of experiencing unpleasant feelings can be a big barrier for young people trying to reduce or better manage their use. ...

I want to cut down or stop

What will not using or reducing my use feel like?

Deciding to make changes to your use can be either exiting or daunting. Have you thought about what things might be like if you use less than you do now?...

Not sure what I want to do

Weighing up where you are at

Not sure what to do about your drug use? That’s pretty normal. Like any one who uses drugs, there are probably some things you like about using and no doubt some things that aren’t so good....

I want to cut down or stop

Tips for managing withdrawal yourself

Not everyone needs to go to detox. Lots of young people manage to detox or have a break from using without the need for professional intervention. ...

I want to keep using

Cutting down without stopping.

Completely stopping your use may be unrealistic or daunting. Heaps of young people make changes to how they use without stopping completely....

I want to cut down or stop

Slip-ups and using again

Drug and alcohol workers will tell you just how common slips-ups and using again are when trying to make changes. ...

Not sure what I want to do

Setting a goal for your drug use

You have more chance of realizing your goals if you write them down and think through how you'll achieve them...

I want to cut down or stop

Setting a date to reduce use or stop

Setting a specific date to make a change is an important step in managing drug or alcohol use....

I want to keep using

Reducing the need to use

Whatever your goals, sorting out drug related problems is helped by reducing the “need” to use...

Not sure what I want to do

Problem solving

Learning ways to tackle and address problems can make managing your life and your use of drugs or alcohol a lot easier....

I want to cut down or stop

It shouldn’t just be you that changes!

Making changes isn't just about you dealing better with things. Preparing things around you in your environment can go a long way to helping you make changes. ...

I want to cut down or stop

Planning ahead for the risky or tough times.

When you reduce or stop using there will be times and circumstances that will be harder than others. Planning ahead for these times will make it easier and more predictable to manage....

Not sure what I want to do

Making the decision to change your drug use

Making a decision to change or not can be a difficult one. Using simple tools and asking key questions can help you come to the right decision for you. ...

Not sure what I want to do

Looking after yourself when you’re using

Good physical health protects us against a stack of things. Here are some tips to staying healthy no matter what you are using (or not)....

I want to cut down or stop

How do you want to change your use?

Quitting completely is one option when you decide to make changes to your drug or alcohol use but there are also others...

I want to cut down or stop

Dealing with cravings

Learning to deal with cravings can be an important part of making changes to your drug or alcohol use....

I want to cut down or stop

Be careful when (if) you use again!

Having a slip-up or beginning to use again after a break is pretty normal but it can also throw up new risks. ...


Can friends visit you in detox?

Different services have different rules about visitors, so you should check with the service&...

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