Eating healthily is often not top on your list of priorities, especially when you are also using alcohol or other drugs. Get the low down on staying healthy while you're using.

Often personal habits, such as eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep, fall by the wayside when we’re using alcohol or other drugs.

Just because you choose to use doesn’t mean you can’t still stay as healthy as you can and take control of other areas of your life.   

In fact increasing your effort in these areas won’t just boost your health but your self worth as well (and we all know how inportant that is!)

You might like to think about making one healthy choice each day.

Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Start each day with a healthy habit.Vegemite is full of good stuff, invest in a jar.
  • Check out these cool shopping tips for getting the most out of your $$ when buying food
  • Learn an easy healthy recipe
  • Remind yourself that you started the day with a healthy choice and you can make other healthy choices too
  • Know where to get a good healthy free meal
It makes coping with stressful situations much easier and helps you to get the most out of yourself and your life.

Remember, when you make the basics a priority such as eating and sleeping well, exercising and building positive relationships in your life, it has a knock on effect. It makes coping with stressful situations much easier and helps you to get the most out of yourself and your life.

Want to know more? Here are some tips to help with building your self worth starting with taking good care of you!