Assessing where you are at with your use is not all about whether or not you feel you have big problem or whether or not you feel dependent or addicted to something. How safe you are is just, or probably even more important.
Choosing to use substances doesn't mean you don't want to feel safe, stay safe and be the best person you can be. Here are some questions to ask yourself and some ideas for reducing the risk of your substance use.

How do I score?

Getting into debt to fund your use, stealing, scoring illegally or using a substance that has already been in someone’s mouth (or worse!) could leave you open to risks.  Write down the risks you are willing to take to score and the risks that you aren’t. Respect your own limits.

It’s not just about what you take but how you take it.

We all know injecting is more dangerous than smoking but did you know a bong is more dangerous than a joint? Halving a hit can be safer than taking it all at once and rotating your injection sites is safer than using the same vein every time. Has the way you use become more risky over time? Find out if you can use the same substance in a safer way.

‘He’s usually so calm but when he’s high he just snaps.’

Does your substance use cause you to say or do things you usually wouldn’t? Fights, burglaries, sex, blackouts? Decide who you want to be and ask how your substance use does and doesn’t fit with that.

Choosing to use substances doesn't mean you don't want to feel safe, stay safe and be the best person you can be.

‘I don’t have a problem with being stoned, it’s when I’m not stoned that’s the problem.’

Comedowns can get worse over time, so too can risks of mental health issues like paranoia and anxiety.  Things you do now can protect your brain for the future. How’s your head when you’re not using? Check out our article about drugs and mental health and if you're worried at all organisations like Headspace and Reachout can help. 

Remember, even if you don't feel you have a problem, there are always ways to use more safely.