YoDAA has created an online AOD tool for young people! The tool incorporates the benefits of the digital medium with the best aspects of interacting with a youth worker.

Following a generous grant from the William Buckland Foundation, YoDAA has developed an innovative and unique tool for young people called "Working it out with YoDAA"

“Working it out with YoDAA” is designed to help young people consider where they are at in relation to their drug and alcohol related needs. It encourages help seeking where necessary and offers next steps for help and support. It also helps workers with existing relationships who are not confident tackling AOD issues to ‘go there’ with young people they work with.

The tool is based on commonly asked Youth drug and alcohol screening questions. It asks them in a way that is “youth friendly” modelled on the way a youth AOD worker would approach a first meeting with a young person. For instance:

  • Every question in the tool has feedback
  • Outcomes are influenced by age of the young person
  • A young person has the choice to answer questions in any order
  • Questions and concepts are explained and clarified
  • Alerts  and instant feedback are triggered for worrying scenarios or answers
  • Young people can save progress and complete the tool later on
  • The wording of questions and design of the tool has been heavily influenced by consultation with young people.
  • Email reminders are available to young people who start the tool but don’t complete it (in the same way a worker would assertively follow up an original enquiry to ascertain a young person’s interest.

Young people were heavily involved in design and development of the tool and their input has influenced the look, feel, language, and functionality of the tool resulting in a product that we hope is truly ‘youth friendly’.  In the words of a youth consultant ‘It’s actually fun’.

Access the tool here.