Sometimes when young people want support from a teacher or well-being coordinator they have already thought about making changes to their drug use. There are some helpful strategies you can employ to support a young person with this.

With the student, check out the YoDAA youth article about making a decision to change drug use.  Reading through this article and its accompanying resources with a young person will help them feel supported whilst still encouraging them to come to their own decisions and conclusions. 

If a young person is considering change, consider asking these 5 questions. Although the questions themselves aren't unique, they come from a resource developed by Nexus, a Victorian dual diagnosis agency and did you know that asking these questions in this order can promote confidence that change is possible? 

Help them feel supported whilst still encouraging them to come to their own decisions and conclusions.


Why would you want to make this change?


If you did decide to do it, how might you go about it?


What are the three best reasons for you to make this change


On a scale of zero to ten how important is it for you to make this change? Why are you at that number and not a zero?


So what do you think you will do? 

We also recommend you explore this change article with a young person.