Universal harm reduction strategies

Universal Harm Reduction Strategies

These are just a few ways for a young person to stay safe no matter what they are using.
  • Make a plan prior to using, get them to plan to only use a certain amount, get them to make a “just in case” plan, and get them to plan how they are going to get for heaps more.
  • Let someone know if you are not feeling well after using.
  • Talk to a young person about having a person to call in case they are feeling worried, paranoid or start to panic.
  • Call an ambulance if you are worried at any point about themselves or a friend. Remind them that an ambulance will not call the police.
  • Try a small amount first, wait to see how the drug affects them before taking more. 
  • Never using alone.
  • Take regular breaks from use to avoid dependency.
  • Stay hydrated when they are using
  • Think about the dangers of drinking and using drugs and driving or getting in a car with someone who has been drinking or taking drugs.
  • Be in a safe and comfortable space.

Needing more guidance or a secondary consult? Reach out to the YoDAA team for some more nuanced advice.

Get help now

YoDAA is a free and confidential online and phone service that offers supports to young people, families and professionals. You can contact 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

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