Schools, families and even workers who contact YoDAA for info and advice often emphasise the influence of peer pressure on a young person’s drug using behaviour.

Are young people always pressured by their peers to use drugs or is it more the case that young people who use drugs or alcohol tend to hang out with young people who also do so?

Recent research from the US National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) identified that for young people between the ages of 18-29 using non-prescribed prescription medication, peer pressure was not an issue. Peers were a factor in drug use behaviour but more in the context of peer associations, peers providing an access point for drugs and young people using drugs in order to have a good time with peers.

Check out a report about the research here?

How much of an influence is peer pressure for the young people you support? How do you support young people in this area. Let us know by sending us an email