Back in February, on YoDAA’s forum, we reflected on how THC is routinely mentioned as the only active ingredient in cannabis where in fact there are over 40 different cannibinoids found in cannabis.

We especially highlighted CBD, another cannibinoid that is thought to provide cannabis with some of its "nicer" effects such as its anti-anxiety qualities. We discussed how the ratios and levels of THC vs CBD (for example) probably have a big impact on the preferences of users for different types of cannabis.

Understanding the role of different cannibinoids is important. For example, for workers always striving to understand the function of drug use, being aware of the effective anti-anxiety and antipsychotic properties of CBD may help workers understand why some young people with mental health concerns continue to smoke cannabis despite warnings. This promotes an empathetic response and one which acknowledges that despite some labelling drug use as a “poor choice” many young people make the decision to use based on cost/benefit analysis principles.

Understanding the effects of different cannibinoids has also created possibilities for particular “helpful” cannibinoids in cannabis to be used in treatment of mental health concerns. Check out this report about the possibility of CBD being used to treat psychosis.