It is unrealistic to assume or expect that all young people will want to cease substance use entirely. Substance use serves a purpose in their life but nonetheless, it may be causing harm so support is still necessary.

There is not a one-size-fits-all model to working with young people with substance use issues. Very structured and prescriptive programs can be ineffective as they are not adequately tailored to the individual. For this reason here are some steps we recommend for the school when working with a young person who wants to keep using. These steps allow you to work with what is best for the individual.

  1. Check out the YoDAA self-help articles for young people
  2. Choose the filter for a young person who "wants to keep using".
  3. Use these articles and worksheets as guides and resources to help the young person.

Only use articles or resources that resonate with the young person. Even as stand alone topics and resources these articles should provide benefit to young people.

There is not a one-size-fits-all model to working with young people with substance use issues

You might also find this article about finding a way to work on drug issues useful.