
Understanding how to help

Advice and info for you, when a young person:

Is experimenting

Harm reduction

Understand the most effective tool we have to keep young people who are already using drugs, safe from harm. ...

Has a problem

Scaring a young person into not using drugs

Using scare tactics can be hugely tempting when talking about drugs with a young person you care about. ...

Has a problem

Should I Drug Test a Young Person?

If you suspect that a young person you care about is using drugs it is understandable that you will want to know the truth as soon as possible to help the situation. ...

Understanding how to help

Drug Tests – How and Why?

Tests that claim to show weather or not a young person has been using drugs are a tempting option for family members concerned about a persons behaviour. But are drug tests everything they are cracked up to be? ...

Has a problem

Ice- tips for supporting a young person

So much information about ice is worrying. Families constantly tell YoDAA that they struggle to understand the nature of the problems their loved one is facing....

Is in treatment

Will I be involved in treatment?

If a young person you care about is getting professional help or support, it is understandable that you would want to be involved or know as much as possible....

Has a problem

Will they grow out of this?

Many young people who try drugs or alcohol don’t go on to experience problems. For the small percentage who do, there are many different pathways into problems with drugs and many pathways young people can take to move on from them....

Is in treatment

Will services solve the problem?

It would be nice to think that if a young person was getting help from a service then any drug related problems would be solved. But seeing services comes with no guarantee that a young person will stop but they should always be helpful....

Has a problem

The role of family in overcoming drug problems

Sometimes you can feel really helpless when a young person you care about is experiencing drug problems. It would be nice to think that “sending them off” to a treatment program would make things OK yeah? ...

Is in treatment

No one will tell me anything! Privacy explained

So your loved one has finally agreed to get help for problems with alcohol and other drugs, but when you call their youth worker and ask for information about how they are going, it feels like you are getting the run around. ...

Has a problem

Limits and Consequences

It’s common to feel exasperated trying to set limits and respond when limits are breached (especially around drug use). Here are some ideas that may help you....

Has a problem

Effective Communication

Sometimes it can seem as though you are always fighting, arguing or disagreeing with a young person. This can be frustrating for both of you. ...


What is a hot shot?

A hot shot is either a lethally large amount of heroin (or other opiate), or ...

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