Centre-based counselling and support involves meeting with a trained Youth AOD counsellor or other therapist for scheduled appointments to discuss substance use or other issues that are currently impacting them.

Generally, young people are required to make their own way to appointments so this option is well suited to young people who have the resources to get themselves around and are personally motivated to attend.

Sessions are 1:1 and could cover a number of different topics, from Drug and Alcohol counselling to grief and loss or family therapy.

well suited to young people who have the resources to get themselves around and are personally motivated to attend

Centre based support and counselling is also often used to support young people experiencing a range of serious mental health problems, including major depression, PTSD, other anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, psychotic illness.

Young people who do not require help securing basic needs such as food and housing  and are motivated to attend regular sessions at an office or clinic are good candidates for centre based support and counselling.